CrushTraders is a market information and consulting source specifically related to Soybeans, Soybean meal and Soy oil with a fundamental bias . We come alongside and provide market background and information bringing value added to your futures and cash market trading. We have a deep knowledge and contacts through the industry specializing in analyzing, identifying patterns and trading relationships based on years of experience directly related to the Oilseeds Processing industry.
We are an emailed based distribution network that comes directly to your email address with up to date pertinent information to what is driving markets and what to anticipate through the trading hours. We provide short term as well as longer term thoughts, trade impacts and perspectives to bring value added as your eyes and ears to the markets. Our network of information sources and distribution of information comes from US, Brazil, Argentina, European and Asian Traders.
Industry Soybean Crush Capacities
Industry Maintainance Downtime Schedules
NOPA Crush Estimate and Analysis
NASS Crush Estimates and Analysis
CrushTraders "For Starters" Early Markets and Perspectives
"Daily CBOT Outlook"
World Cash Basis
Daily Market Updates Evening Trading Session
Country Supply/Demand Balance Sheets
Projected Monthly Crush Rates for US, Brazil and Arg
Historical Charts pertinent to Trading Activity
Crush Skew
Crush Relationships
Weekly Export Sales Observations and Comments
"Crush Finale" a daily recap of Market Driving Factors
"Daily Crush" a History of Daily Ranges and Volumes
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DISCLAIMER: Futures and options trading involve significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. No representation is being made that strategies or discipline will guarantee success or profits. The data contained herein is believed to be from reliable sources but cannot be guaranteed. Reproduction of this information without prior written permission is prohibited.